Monday, 8 August 2011

Yoga for Diabetes

Prevention of Diabetes- Yoga

 Prevalence of diabetes is increasing in Indian subcontinent. People are yet to gain knowledge about diabetes and related disorders. Widespread awareness is needed to be created among the general public about prevention of diabetes. So this study is focused to stress the importance of diet control, physical activity, walking and yoga in delaying the onset of diabetes in prediabetic subjects who have a positive family history of diabetes.

         1. Study the effect of yoga to prevent/delay the onset of diabetes in prediabetic subjects
         2. To study the effect of Yoga / OHA on newly diagnosed diabetic subjects
         3. To study the effect of Metformin intervention in the treatment of metabolic syndrome

Yoga to prevent/delay the onset of diabetes in prediabetic subject

Anthropometric measurements are taken, biochemical details like GTT values, Lipid profile and HbA1c details will be collected. Plasma and serum samples are collected and stored for estimation of biochemical markers. Subjects are motivated for diet control and physical activity, walking and yoga, during baseline visit and follow-ups. Finally at the end of 2nd year the final data collection for anthropometric and biochemical details will be done. Out come of the study will be assessed by comparing baseline and 1 year and 2 year follow up details.
Yoga / OHA on newly diagnosed diabetic subject

This study was planned to study the effect of Yoga / OHA on newly diagnosed diabetic subjects. Newly diagnosed subjects who are not under any medications previously and those subjects who are diagnosed positive for diabetes in this center are selected.

Metformin intervention in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It affects one in five people, and prevalence increases with age. The dominant underlying risk factors for this syndrome appear to be abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. Other conditions associated with the syndrome include physical inactivity, aging, hormonal imbalance and genetic predisposition.

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